Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput paid approximately Rs 3.50 crore for a brand-new Mercedes-Maybach GLS600. This complements the actor's earlier acquisition of a Mercedes-Maybach S580, which was valued at roughly Rs 2.50 crore (
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The Mercedes-Maybach GLS 600 is a noteworthy vehicle thanks to its "Free Driving Mode." It is intended to improve the SUV's off-road performance and has the ability to cause the vehicle to rock forward and backward via the air suspension.
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The SUV has distinctive Maybach design features, such as a unique grille with vertical slats, 23-inch wheels, the Maybach logo, and a dual-tone paint scheme option.
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The SUV has a 27-speaker Burmester audio system installed in its interior. The total power output of these speakers is 1600 w. when paired with the SUV's Acoustic Comfort Pack, the ideal acoustic environment is created.
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The SUV is standardly furnished with a bench seat. If one selects the upgraded individual luxury back seats that are an optional feature, the experience may be comparable to flying in a private jet.
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Uneven roads are not too much of an issue for this vehicle. By causing the wheels to oscillate over uneven ground, the vehicle's suspension system recovers energy. The mild hybrid system then receives this energy.
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