The Tip That Will Make It Simpler To Remember Screws When Servicing Your Motorcycle

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If you love riding motorcycles, you probably work on your vehicle occasionally, whether it’s for regular maintenance or unique customizations. Keeping track of small parts, like screws, is one of the more difficult parts of this activity. This becomes particularly difficult when disassembling components with different-length screws.

While working in small batches and putting screws in boxes are common strategies for keeping screws organized, they are not without their drawbacks. For example, it could be difficult for you to keep track of which screw belongs where when the screws you meticulously position inside a box get mixed up. Likewise, if you’re working on a full rebuild, working in little batches may cause the process to lag considerably.

You have probably not tried this one clever yet simple trick yet. This tip guarantees that you can replace the screws precisely where they belong in addition to keeping your screw collection organized. Basic drawing abilities and stationery are all you’ll need.

Make a screw map

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This is an easy way to keep your motorcycle’s screws organized while you work on it; no special equipment is needed. But make sure you have an A4 sheet of paper and a pencil or marker with you. You may want to bring some adhesive tape.

You must first sketch the contour of the component you are dismantling. Relax, a rough sketch will suffice just fine; an accurate replica is not necessary. Next, as they appear in the real part, punch the screws through the paper in the appropriate locations. To avoid confusion, use different sheets for each panel and name them if you’re working on a motorbike part that has screws on numerous panels.

If drawing isn’t your thing, you can always take a picture of the motorcycle part you’re working on with your smartphone and print it out on an A4 sheet of paper. It’s a little more work, but after that you can punch the screws through the picture for future reference, using this as your visual guide.

Why this little trick is the most effective?

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This method of organizing your motorcycle’s screws is easy and effective. Upon completion, you will have a clear visual guide that will indicate the proper location for every screw, almost eliminating the possibility of you misplacing or bolting the screws in the incorrect places.

You can alter the map to your preference, which is one reason why this organizational strategy is so effective. For example, all you have to do to keep the screws from falling out or rolling away if you’re working on a project that will take longer than a few days to finish is simply tape them to the sheet. Similarly, use a different colored pen or marker to make each map if you have numerous panels and you fear the maps for each might become mixed up. This way, you’ll know which sheet goes with which panel.

Put simply, this method makes it easier to arrange different screws and guarantees that you can easily rebuild the pieces of your motorcycle, regardless of your level of experience as a technician.

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